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Privacy Policy

Data Protection – Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 21, 2022


Dream Maker Game Studio has developed this Privacy Policy to help you understand how Dream Maker Game Studio collects, uses and discloses information. Dream Maker Game Studio may collect from you and/or your device (computer, phone or other mobile device), or that you may provide to Dream Maker Game Studio, while using Dream Maker Game Studio's Dream Maker Game Studio websites and applications Game Studio. By using Dream Maker Game Studio Services, you agree to the manner in which Dream Maker Game Studio collects, uses and discloses information collected from you. If you are under 18, you acknowledge that your legal guardian has consented to this Privacy Policy. If you or your legal guardian do not accept or understand this Privacy Policy, do not use Dream Maker Game Studio Services.
If you have questions or complaints about Dream Maker Game Studio's Privacy Policy or practices, please contact Dream Maker Game Studio
Please note that this Privacy Policy may be changed or supplemented by DREAM MAKER GAME STUDIO at any time, mainly to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. In such cases, the updated date will be clearly shown at the beginning of this Policy.

1. How will my data be collected and processed?

We only collect and process your data if we have received your consent to the data processing or if the processing is legally authorized. The Data we are collecting is as follows:

Email address (only if you register for one of our newsletters), IP address, The date and time of the visit, Content of the request (specific page), The amount of data transferred, The website from which you are visiting us (URL reference), the browser type and version used, the operating system and its interface, the browser software language and version, Http headers, pixel-specific data, button click data, optional values (value conversion, page type, etc.)

This data is collected to better understand our players to ensure and improve stability and for security reasons. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6, para. 1 f) GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

1.1 It will be necessary in our multiplayer games to create an account (using email and password), with data provided by the user, these data will be shared with third parties in order to guarantee the functionalities of the app and promotions for this account, the exclusion of this account can be done in the application, where it will be suspended (giving the user the possibility to request it within 90 days) otherwise, the account will be deleted and without possibility of reactivation. Thus releasing the email for creating a new account, the user can contact us at any time by email and request reactivation or definitive deletion of the account.

1.2 Password resets are managed and made available by third parties, requesting via our application the password change and continuing the service through the third party that will use the email provided by the user to complete the service, Dream Maker Game Studio is not responsible for loss or failures in this process, since it does not have access to the password modification service.

1.3 Dream Maker Game Studio will never ask for your account password, being the user’s sole responsibility to keep your password safe. Giving access to your account to another person or distribution channel is the user’s sole responsibility, and may put your account and data at risk.

1.4 In our multiplayer games, your login data (email and password) will be collected and sent automatically to the server service in order to regulate and protect your login in the application. Share on your device developer messages (updates and promotions in the application) containing or not links to updates on our website, or application store. We use a personalized ID with the server in order to protect your account from multiple logins. We collect your nearby location data, to optimize the multiplayer server, in order to offer a better connection for the use of the application on your device.

2. Are my data shared with third parties?

We process your data confidentially. Within Dream Maker Game Studio, only those services and employees who need to access your data to achieve the above objectives can access it.

We will only send personal data to third parties if it is necessary for the aforementioned and legally authorized purposes or if you have given your prior consent.
In addition to the recipients already mentioned above, we are assisted by other service providers (subcontractors) to fulfill our obligations. The following categories of recipients may receive data: IT service providers, marketing service providers, analytics specialists.

Personal data is also only sent to other affiliates if there is a legal basis for this and if necessary for any of the purposes mentioned above.

2.1 For our multiplayer games, it is necessary to use an ID and code generated by the user's device and sent to third parties, in order to regulate and protect multiple logins on the same account. To use these services, we send the following data to third parties: E- mail, custom ID and approximate location. Remembering that we use third-party services to validate Login, using email and password provided by the user.

3. Use of cookies

3.1. Use of cookies

Additionally, cookies are used ​​when you use our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer by us or another website (more detailed information can be found below in the description of our analysis procedures) and through which specific information flows to the respective website placing the cookie. Cookies are always assigned to the browser. When using cookies, it is not possible to run programs or transfer viruses to your computer.
You can configure your browser settings as you wish and, for example, refuse to accept third-party cookies or all cookies. You can also delete all cookies at any time through your browser settings. However, this may mean that you cannot use all of the features on our website.

3.2. Use of third-party cookies

In addition to our own cookies, we also use third-party cookies on our website. Third-party cookies are cookies that are not stored by us on your computer, but by third-party providers. You can find more information about the extent and purpose of data processing, the corresponding legal basis, the storage period, as well as the possibilities for objecting to and removing third-party cookies, in the following explanation of the individual procedures we use.

3.3. Audience statistics and measurement – Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, a website analytics solution from Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on the user's terminal to analyze users' use of the website. The information generated by cookies about users' use of this website is usually transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the United States.
However, if IP address anonymization is enabled on this website, Google will abbreviate the IP addresses of users in member states of the European Union or other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. IP address anonymization is enabled on this website.
Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate users' use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us, as the website operator, with other services relating to the use of the website and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other Google data. The legal basis for this data processing is art. 6, para. 1 f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest arises from the above purposes.
You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. You can also prevent Google from collecting data generated by cookies and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address), as well as the processing of such data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in. available at this link:
As an alternative to the browser extension or for browsers on mobile devices, click this link to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data from this site in the future. An opt-out cookie will be stored on your device. Please note that the opt-out cookie only works in the browser in which it was set. Even if you delete your cookies, you must click this link again.


4. Rights of data subjects

Under the GDPR, you are considered a data subject if we process your personal data. This is why you can make use of the various data subject rights listed in the GDPR. These rights include the data subject's right to access (Article 15 GDPR), the right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR), the right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR), the right to restriction of processing (Article 18). GDPR), the right to object to processing (Article 21 of the GDPR), the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR) and the right to data portability (Article 20). GDPR). ).


5. Processing of your data based on legal requirements

If we are subject to legal obligations that require additional processing of your data, we will also process your data for the purposes provided for by law. The legal basis for this data processing is art. 6, para. 1 c) GDPR in relation to regulations with corresponding legal obligation.


6. Processing your data based on your consent

Data will also be processed if and to the extent that you have given your consent to the data processing in accordance with Art. 6, para. 1a) GDPR. The purposes of data processing result from the respective consent.


7. When I use links, what should I consider from a data protection perspective?

Our website may contain links to other providers to which our data protection rules do not apply. Therefore, we disclaim any responsibility for the use of these links. Additionally, our website receives user data from third-party sources, which includes advertising sources.


8. What about the security of my data?

Dream Maker Game Studio uses security measures to protect the data you provide to us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continually improved in line with technological developments.


9. How long is my data kept?

All personal data that we collect through the use of cookies during your visit will be automatically deleted as soon as the purpose of its disclosure is achieved. Session data is saved when the session ends (when logging out or closing the website).

10. What applies to minors’ data?

We strongly encourage parents to supervise minors' online activities. Minors should not send us personal data. We do not knowingly request or process personal data from minors.

11. What are my rights in relation to my data?

With regard to the processing of your personal data, you have the right, in accordance with art. 15 of the GDPR, to request information about your personal data that is processed by us. Furthermore, you have the right to rectify the data in accordance with Article 16 GDPR or erase it in accordance with Article 17 GDPR, as well as the right to restrict processing in accordance with Article 18 GDPR. Furthermore, according to art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to demand the delivery of the personal data you have provided in a structured, current and machine-readable format.


If we process your data on the basis of legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR) or to carry out a public mission (Art. 6 para. 1 e) GDPR) and if there are grounds against such processing arising from your particular situation, you have the right to object to this processing in accordance with Art. 21 par. 1 GDPR. If you object, we will stop processing your data for these purposes unless we can prove that there are compelling reasons for the processing which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is to assert, exercise or defend legal rights.

You have the unrestricted right to object, in accordance with Art. 21 par. 2nd and 3rd of the GDPR, to any type of processing for direct advertising purposes.
You can inform us of your objection at any time without having to complete a certain form. For optimal treatment, please use the following email address:

Please note that you can only implement your objection to the use of monitoring procedures on our website on your own. It is not technically possible to do this centrally. We have attached a statement above for each monitoring procedure for which you must implement the objection yourself.


12. Can I withdraw my consent?

If we process your data based on the consent you have given us, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Your data will no longer be processed for the purposes covered by the consent. Please note that the lawfulness of any data processing that took place before the withdrawal is not affected by the withdrawal. For more details on how you can explain your withdrawal, please see the information above or the information in the corresponding consent. Please send your withdrawal of consent to:


To the attention of


RUA JAU, 1092 ROOM 81 -

Neighborhood: BOQUEIRAO, Praia Grande - SP CEP 11701190.

Or by email


13. Do I have the right to appeal to a supervisory authority?

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates applicable law, you may contact a data protection supervisory authority at any time in accordance with with Art. 77 of the GDPR. This is without prejudice to other administrative or judicial resources


14. Do I need to provide the data or is the provision necessary to conclude the contract?

Except for data that is technically necessary to display our website, any provision of data by you is voluntary. If it is different in exceptional cases, this is explicitly mentioned at the appropriate time in this statement.


15. Will my data be used for automated decision making? And if so, how does this happen and what are the consequences for me?

No, there is no automated decision making.

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